Wolf's Head Amigo The Devil Show Recap (Video)

It feels good when you get the chance to introduce a community to something you know is amazing, and that you know they will know is amazing once given an opportunity to experience it. Sunday, October 11th was one such occurrence, when we had the opportunity to host Amigo The Devil for his first-ever Santa Barbara show, as part of his "Decompositions" tour. The turn out was great, the performance was incredible (as per usual), and in the days following, the response from those in attendance has been nothing short of humbling, with folks stopping by to say thank you to introducing them to Amigo's music, or people wearing his merch approaching us at bars to talk about how great the show was. We started with a mission to bring something that was missing to Santa Barbara, something unique and unlike anything else in town. That mission has evolved into using our space as a vessel to bring art, talent, and culture that may have otherwise gone unnoticed to Santa Barbara, and we don't plan on stopping any time soon. Thank you all for your support, and special thanks to Sid for putting this awesome video together.  
You can buy Amigo's entire catalog HERE
Also, if you're in another city or state, and stumbled across this blog post, here are the rest of the dates on the "Decompositions" tour. Don't do yourself the disservice of missing out on one of his shows if he's stopping in your town. 
- Josh

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